A cool place to hang out is the Westport Coffeehouse. Like the name says, its located in Westport. It's not quite as funky a hangout as the Broadway Cafe.
The barista's are you usual hipsters and art school students. They are always friendly and do a great job. They have a theater in the basement and usually have plays or comedy shows on the weekends. Upstairs they sometimes have bands play.
I remember my sister and I stopped in one saturday night when a local highschool band came to play. It was three guys with way more ego than talent. A couple of their friends came to watch them. It was all we could do to keep from laughing at them.
After my son was born, me and him would stop by every thursday afternoon. I would pick Kai up from daycare on thursday and we would stop in on the way home. I would have a latte and Kai and I would share a cookie. Kai would play with the jukebox and try to share his bottle of milk with any girls that might be sitting close by.
One day Kai dropped his cookie and it broke in half. Some little ones get very upset when their routine is disrupted and having a broken cookie was very upsetting to Kai. He started crying and I had to take him outside. The owner was vey nice, she brought out a new cookie and helped me calm him down.
The Westport is a cool place to go and I give it a thumbs up.
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